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nice and so hard

Thanks for playing my game! I really appreciate it 😊


Art looks great, animation solid for the game jam, but I do find the cooldown feature a bit annoying. Explaining that the cooldown is not an "attack" cooldown but an actual "use things" cooldown could have saved a couple of meaningless deaths that it took me to figure out that, the hook is actually tied to that same cooldown as well.

As for the hook, its a fun addition, but the level geometry really works against it. You need to be REALLY precise otherwise you'll just get stuck in the geometry and have to retry a jump again. While this is a gamejam, an addition of either a circular hitbox for the player OR just adding the ability to jump after hooking (once, so that it cannot be cheesed that hard). 

Otherwise good stuff. The pizza cooldown was I think a great idea, the axe feels meaty (still wish it didn't share the cooldown with the hook, or at least the hook could've had a shorter cooldown). The timer does get a bit annoying when paired with the inconsistent hook, as the pizza would go could just because you get stuck in the geometry with the hook.

The music fits the vibe fine

(1 edit)

Thanks a lot for the feedback! I really appreciate it :D

I really agree with what you said, the game isn't perfect, but honestly i just wanted to have some fun doing it. It was a long time since i published a game hahaha.

Again, thank you so much!